Expert Strategies for Succession & Wealth Management

Wealth Management · Succession Planning · Tax Consultancy

Wealth Management

Maximise Your Wealth Potential with LSB Accountancy

If you own one of more investment properties it is to your advantage that you hold these in the most tax efficient manner. This will ensure you can claim the maximum reliefs and allowances and therefore pay the minimum amount of tax and maximise the amount of income you retain.

People often buy their first investment property without receiving any expert tax advice and then go on to buy more following the same pattern simply because it’s just the way they know. This can often lead to them paying far more in tax than they would do if the properties were owned in a tax efficient way.

If you would like to know more we can undertake a full review of your investment property portfolio and recommend the steps you can take to reorganise this in a way which will maximise the amount of income you retain. 

Succession Planning

LSB Accountancy Can Help You Plan Your Legacy with Confidence

Many small to medium sized businesses are built almost singlehanded by one or two people over many years and grow to be successful thriving enterprises. At some point the founders start to think about slowing down and the question of succession comes to mind both for the business as well as the other assets they own. Often the natural successors are younger members of the owner(s) family who will either step up and manage the business and other assets or maybe simply inherit ownership of them whilst a management team take over the day to day responsibilities.

The path that such a handover from one generation to the next can take presents a whole host of control and governance issues to satisfy and tax hurdles to overcome. There is no off-the-shelf template which will provide the right solution for each individual scenario.

We can analyse your current business ownership and asset management structure and design a pathway which meets your specific succession requirements whilst minimising the burden in relation to ongoing taxes as well as inheritance tax at the same time.


Plan Your Future
with Confidence
Wealth Management · Succession Planning · Tax Consultancy

07368 812064


LSB Accountancy Services Limited
74 Somerville Way

LSB Accountancy Services Limited is a company registered in England (no. 15070345) and is a member firm of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) which acts as it’s Anti Money Laundering supervisory body and which requires compliance with its Code of Ethics, Professional Indemnity Insurance requirements and professional standards.
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